Q. Duffel Coats are named after a town in which country?
A. Belgium
Q. How many official languages has Singapore?
A. Four
Q. Child care expert Dr. Benjamin Spock once represented USA in the Olympics - at what?
A. Rowing
Q. Who said she had believed "as many as six impossible things before breakfast"?
A. The White Queen in "Through the Looking Glass."
Q. What does "cave canem" mean?
A. Beware of the dog.
Q. From which country do King Charles Spaniels come.
A. Japan
Q. Lacl of which vitamin causes scrury?
A. C (you knew I meant lack, didn't you?)
Q. How many official languages does Singapore have?
A. Four (sorry I repeated myself.)
Q. Of what is haphephobia the fear of?
A. Physical contact
Q. In which part of the body is the lagest muscle, the gluteus maximus.
A. The buttocks
Q. Americans call it a sixteenth-note. What is the British term?
A. Semiquaver
Q. In ballet what does "sauter" mean?
A. Jump
Q. What colour ribbon does the Victoria Cross have?
A. Purple
Q. In Japan what colour car may only the Royal Family drive?
A. Maroon
Q. Who were expelled from England in 1291?
A. The Jews